Red Flags to Look for when Visiting the Senior You Care For
By Gary Hightower 8 am on
Spending time with a senior loved one makes the day brighter for both of you, and you can also use your visits to take the opportunity to check on his or her wellbeing. Older adults may not always tell you they’re having difficulty living on their own. Some seniors worry about being a burden, and others might not even realize they need help. Watching out for these red flags lets you know when it’s time to step in and offer more assistance.
Changes in Appearance
Taking a good look at your loved one can tell you volumes about his or her wellbeing. Take note of whether your parent is wearing the same clothes every time you visit. This could mean your loved one is having difficulty getting dressed, experiencing depression, or finding it challenging to do the laundry. A senior who loses a drastic amount of weight in a short time might also be developing a health issue, or he or she could need help preparing meals. Maintaining a high quality of life can be challenging for some seniors, but professional caregivers can help them attain this goal. Families can trust elder care experts to help their elderly loved ones focus on lifestyle choices that increase the chances of living longer and healthier lives.
A Messy Living Environment
Many people’s homes are somewhat cluttered, but too much stuff on the floor could cause your loved one to fall and get hurt. An unkempt home could also be a sign your loved one is unable to keep up with the physical demands of housework. Cleaning a home requires a great deal of bending, stooping, and reaching. If your loved one lacks the ability to do these things, he or she could benefit from having someone drop by during the week to help with housekeeping tasks. Whether your elderly loved one needs part-time assistance with basic household chores or you need a break from your caregiving duties, the Irving respite care experts at Home Care Assistance are here to help. All of our respite care services are backed with a 100% satisfaction guarantee, there are no hidden fees in our contracts, and we never ask our clients to sign long-term contracts.
Difficulty Getting Around
Any sudden changes in your loved one’s gait should always be checked out by a physician. However, it’s also common for existing challenges to worsen. If your loved one shuffles his or her feet or has difficulty walking up a set of steps, he or she may have a higher fall risk. Finding a mobility device that works for your loved one can protect against falls, and it may be necessary to make a few additional home modifications, such as adding grab bars in the bathroom.
Bare Food Storage Areas
Taking a peek in your loved one’s pantry could reveal several common problems. If the shelves are bare, your loved one might be having difficulty with finances or getting to the grocery store. Opening up a dialogue with your loved one could reveal he or she needs help managing his or her finances or finding reliable transportation to important places in the community.
Neglected Pet Care
Most seniors would bend over backward to take care of their pets. This is why you should worry if you notice your loved one’s pet hasn’t been fed recently or has an overflowing litter box. Driving your loved one to the pet store for food or finding transportation to the vet helps him or her continue to care for one of the most important members of his or her family. Many seniors prefer aging in place over moving to assisted living facilities. If your senior loved one needs assistance to remain safe and comfortable while living at home, reach out to Home Care Assistance, a leading Irving homecare agency. Our dedicated in-home caregivers can assist with meal prep, bathing and grooming, exercise, medication reminders, and many other important tasks. Call us at (817) 591-1580 to create a customized in-home care plan.