The Finest Alzheimer’s Home Care for Arlington Seniors

When a loved one receives a diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease, families are often caught off guard and overwhelmed by the sudden need to plan for their loved one’s long-term care. While many families initially assume caregiving responsibilities themselves, the unique emotional and physical challenges of caring for a loved one with Alzheimer’s, especially as the disease progresses, often require a higher level of expertise and specialized care for these seniors to continue living at home safely.

Home Care Assistance of Arlington, TX, is here to help. Our experienced Alzheimer’s caregivers enable seniors with Alzheimer’s to age in place safely, comfortably, and with dignity. With the assistance of a professional Alzheimer’s home caregiver, families gain peace of mind and renewed optimism about their loved one’s quality of life. Using our innovative holistic methods, our caregivers strive to boost cognitive function, ease anxiety, and encourage seniors to be as independent as possible.

Arlington Texas Alzheimer’s Care
Alzheimer’s Care Arlington TX

Alzheimer’s Caregivers Devoted to Quality and Dignity

Because our Alzheimer’s caregivers have specialized expertise developed through intensive training and years of experience, they’re able to anticipate and meet the unique needs of older adults with Alzheimer’s. Since constant mental stimulation is an important element of caring for seniors with cognitive issues such as Alzheimer’s, it’s important to have an in-home caregiver with expertise in techniques designed to boost cognitive health. Addressing emotional needs is essential as well, and Arlington Home Care Assistance’s caregivers help seniors alleviate loneliness, anxiety, and depression by providing encouragement and companionship. Our Alzheimer’s caregivers are dedicated to boosting overall health and happiness, which means they see their clients as whole people—human beings with a range of physical, emotional, and mental needs.

While some seniors with Alzheimer’s are able to maintain their independence for years, others need help with basic everyday tasks. We’ll work with you to design a care plan that’s just right for your parent. We can help for just a few hours every day, or we can have a caregiver by your loved one’s side at all times to ensure his or her comfort and safety. Our caregivers assist seniors with a variety of daily tasks, including:

  • Shopping for groceries
  • Preparing healthy meals
  • Providing medication reminders
  • Bathing, grooming, and dressing
  • Light housekeeping, such as laundry and dishes
Alzheimer’s Care Arlington
Arlington Alzheimer’s Care

Innovative Methods Boost Cognitive Health

All of our Alzheimer’s caregivers at Home Care Assistance Arlington receive extensive training in the Cognitive Therapeutics Method (CTM), our exclusive cutting-edge program that uses fun activities such as puzzles and games to boost cognitive health. Aging adults with Alzheimer’s often develop a stronger sense of self-esteem and accomplishment by engaging in CTM’s enjoyable activities, which are designed to stimulate brain activity, hone mental focus, and delay the pace of cognitive decline.

Reach Out and Gain Peace of Mind

Caring for a senior loved one with Alzheimer’s can be an immense challenge for families to meet on their own. Fortunately, you don’t have to do it alone. You can trust Home Care Assistance’s highly trained, compassionate caregivers to ensure your loved one is able to age in place safely and securely. We’re available 24/7, so reach out to us at any time, day or night, at (817) 591-1580.

Alzheimer’s Care Arlington Texas