Most of the younger generations, like iGen, Generation Z, Millennials, and Generation X, will tell you how simple it is to use technology…for them! Unfortunately, our senior citizens often struggle to keep up with advancements and can get left behind. But hope is not lost! These younger generations, particularly those with parents or grandparents in senior care, can teach seniors how to stay just as social as them!
Want to help your senior stay social? Use the tips below and get started!
Start things off with a demonstration of the value of staying social. Physically show your senior how quick and easy it is to reply to a time-sensitive email or to video chat with a friend they haven’t spoken to in a while. By going through these processes with them, you will help them to see and understand the value of technology and everything it has to offer.
Your senior will also need some help understanding technology’s language. We recommend steering away from using the technological jargon you’re used to and breaking down the language so it’s simpler to understand. Try using analogies they are familiar with to better explain things to your senior.
Speed is not a factor, so don’t rush through any explanations or demonstrations. Just take your time. It’s not going to be as quick and easy for your loved one in senior care to get the hang of using technology as it is for you. Try going through the motions several times over, or until your senior begins to catch on.
If your senior is a little forgetful from time to time, write things down for them instead of having them struggle to remember little details. Jot down easy-to-follow instructions for them to go through and complete a task for when you are not there to help them yourself.
While it can often be a challenge for an advanced user such as yourself to teach a technology novice, the reward is worth it! So just be patient. Practicing patience when teaching your senior means they will learn easier and at their own pace. Patience is also a kind gesture that lets your senior know just how much you care about them.
Remember to stay consistent, because it often takes more than one demonstration or explanation for your senior to get a good grasp on what you’re teaching them. Go through several of the same procedures each time you spend time with them, or several times in a row, and they will begin to catch on!
To consult with us and develop a personalized senior care plan for your senior, call us here at Home Care Assistance! We will schedule your consultation and discuss your senior’s needs.